Dogs available for film and TV work
We have moved!
Daly's Dogs has been part of Dog & Bone for some time, and our 'available dogs' have now moved over to the Dog & Bone website. For all available dogs, and information on our services, please visit
Dalys Dogs provides trained dogs for film and TV work. We are fully insured and licensed (licence number ANI/8340) and we send experienced handlers to ensure good results. We can advise about the best dog for your job.
If you would like to book any of these dogs or discuss other types of dogs we have available, please Contact us for more details.
Old pages: Other animals, Previous Jobs
Daly's Dogs has been part of Dog & Bone for some time, and our 'available dogs' have now moved over to the Dog & Bone website. For all available dogs, and information on our services, please visit
Dalys Dogs provides trained dogs for film and TV work. We are fully insured and licensed (licence number ANI/8340) and we send experienced handlers to ensure good results. We can advise about the best dog for your job.
If you would like to book any of these dogs or discuss other types of dogs we have available, please Contact us for more details.
Old pages: Other animals, Previous Jobs
Dalys Dogs (Now Dog & Bone) provides trained dogs for film and TV work. We are fully insured and licensed (licence number ANI/8340) and we send experienced handlers to ensure good results. We can advise about the best dog for your job.
If you would like to book any of these dogs or discuss other types of dogs we have available, please Contact us at Dog & Bone us for more details.
Old pages:
Other animals
Previous Jobs
If you would like to book any of these dogs or discuss other types of dogs we have available, please Contact us at Dog & Bone us for more details.
Old pages:
Other animals
Previous Jobs
Performing Animals License - we are licensed under number ANI/8340
Since April 2019, anyone who exhibits, uses or trains animals for public performance (for example in a circus, television or film production, or a theatre performance) in England, Scotland or Wales must have a valid Performing Animals License from their local council. We are licensed by North Hertfordshire District Council (license number ANI/8340). If you use another agency to supply a performing animal, please remember to check they are licensed and insured. RSPCA and guidelines for performing animals
The RSPCA provide advice and support to people using, or thinking of using, animals in any production environment. Following good welfare practice not only reduces risk to a production, but protects animals and helps those using animals to stay within the law. To help protect the animals used in any sort of production they have produced RSPCA Guidelines for the Welfare of Performing Animals which you can download for free from |
004 Pippa (and siblings) - (Toy Poodles - Brown)
Size: Small Sex: F Year of birth: 2020 Location: Derbyshire Behaviours: Sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, hold an item, recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, agility, heelwork to music, spin, walk on back legs, spin on back legs, crawl, relax |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
057 Bella (Working Cocker Spaniel)
Size: Small Sex: F Year of birth: 2009 Location: Northamptonshire Behaviours: Sit, down, stand, stay, hold an item, recall, nose on target, give paw, go to a mark, leave food, balance treat on nose, sneeze, beg, spin, stand on back legs, limp, agility, jump into arms, paw on nose, speak, roll over, play dead, crawl backwards.
Bella is now deaf but responds well to hand signals. |
066 Donut (Working Cocker Spaniel)
Size: Small Sex: F Year of birth: 2013 Location: Northamptonshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, hold, recall, paw, back feet to mark, leave, jump up to arms, bounce off owner, spin, look left and right, beg, walk on back legs, walk back, roll over, agility, gundog, obedience, jump through arms, catch, jump onto owners back |
067 Merlin (Norwich Terrier)
Size: Small Sex: M Year of birth: 2011 Location: Essex Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, recall, paw, send away, leave, heelwork to music (competition), trick dog champion (competition) obedience, walk back, paws up, feet on feet, tidy toys away. Merlin is fine around chickens and ducks. |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
096 Pippa (Shetland sheepdog)
Size: Small Sex: F Year of birth: 2015 Location: Buckinghamshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, hold items, drop items into basket, go to a mark, fast recall, slow recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, go to mark, leave, good eye line control, agility, obedience (has competed at Crufts), beg, leg weave, paws up, relax, roll over, speak, wave, pounce, play dead from stand, open crate to get in, pray (head between paws) |
141 Charlie (Miniature Poodle)
Size: Small Sex: M Year of birth: 2012 Location: Nottinghamshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, hold, recall, paw on item, go to mark, leave, agility, flyball, obedience, back leg standing, paws up, jump over legs, feet on feet, speak, spin, walk back, skateboard, head down, jump on owners back, jump into arms and through, springboard off wall, nose to nose |
157 River (Bedlington Terrier)
Size: Small Sex: M Year of birth: 2013 Location: Essex Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, recall, nose nudge, paw touch to hand, leave, heelwork to music, back leg walking (brief), bow, leg weave, paws up, head down, relax, roll over, spin, walk back, walk around owners legs |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
176 Rolo (Cockerpoo)
Size: Small Sex: M Year of birth: 2014 Location: Hertfordshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, go to a mark, hold an item, recall, nudge with nose, touch with paw, leave, beg, bow, crawl, leg weave, paws up, jump through arms, walk around objects, march, head on floor, pull/tug, retrieve, shut door, emergency stop, relax, roll over, speak, back legs on step, feet on feet, reverse round owner, spin on back legs, under/over items, 'Do As I Do' (imitate owners actions) |
210 Betty (Cavalier King Charles x Bichon)
Size: Small Sex: F Year of birth: 2015 Location: Northamptonshire Behaviours: sit, down, stay, leave, recall, nudge with nose, touch with paw, agility, back leg walking, roll over, spin, kiss owner, stand between owner legs, spin on back legs, say prayers, jump into owner arms |
226 Lilly (Shetland sheepdog / sheltie)
Size: Small Sex: F Year of birth: 2017 Location: London Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, hold an item, recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, agility, dog dancing, scentwork, nodding head, chin target, back leg walking, beg, bow, crawl (close to owner), leg weave, reverse leg weave, look left and right, paws up, go to bed and down, cross paws, spin on step, pull / tug, relax on side, roll over, speak, spin, walk back, wave, dry feet on mat, say prayers, cuddle, kiss owner, back leg target, jump through arms, spin round pole |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
051 Windy (English Springer Spaniel)
Size: Medium Sex: Female Year of birth: 2012 Location: North Wales Behaviours: Sit, down, stand, stay, recall, nose on target, give paw, paws up, go to a mark, leave food, spin, twist, beg, play dead, feet on feet, cock leg, bow, stand on back legs, go around object, walk backwards, roll over, relax on side, jump and balance on owner's back, agility (grade 7), flyball, trick dog (champion level)
076 Merlin (Kooikerhondje)
Size: Medium Sex: Male Year of birth: 2014 Location: Suffolk Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, hold items, drop items into basket, recall, targeting, paw, goes to mark, leave, agility, beg, bow, paws up, pull / tug, relax, roll over, spin, walk back, wave, roll up in blanket, sneeze, skateboarding, limp, send away, obedience scent, tidy toys away |
154 Dolly (Border Collie x Golden Retriever)
Size: Medium Sex: F Year of birth: 2013 Location: Kent Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, hold, recall, nose target, touch with paw, go to mark, leave, good swimmer, previous photo shoot and film work experience, agility, heelwork to music, obedience, back leg walking, beg, bow, crawl with owner over, leg weave, paws up, jump over stick, relax, roll over, spin, walk back, fetch tissue, backwards around legs, walk between owners legs, go round item |
179 Cleo (Australian Shepherd)
Size: Medium Sex: F Year of birth: 2014 Location: Cambridgeshire Behaviours: sit, down, stay, hold an item (briefly), recall, nudge with nose, touch with paw, goes to a mark, leave, agility, heelwork to music, back leg walking, bow, leg weave, paws up, spin, kiss (nudge to nose), go around object |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
197 Neri (Lagotto Romagnolo)
Size: Medium Sex: F Year of birth: 2014 Location: Buckinghamshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, recall, nudge with nose, touch with paw, leave, agility, heelwork to music, scentwork, show dog, back leg walking, bow to lure, crawl close to owner, leg weave, paws up, relax, speak, spin, go around owner, spin on back legs |
224 Muppet (crossbreed)
Size: Medium Sex: F Year of birth: 2014 Location: Leicestershire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, brief hold an item, recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, agility, hoopers, feet on feet, paws up to double high5, leg weave, spin, walk back, wave, go around item, walk sideways, tidy toys away, skateboarding, shy (paw on nose) |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
201 Kratu (Mioritic cross)
Size: L Level: 1 Sex: M Year of birth: 2014 Location: Cambridgeshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, go to a mark, hold an item, recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, leave, agility (basic), Do as I do, cock leg, sit on high up item, shy (paw on nose), pull / tug, spin |
217 Ralph (Standard Poodle X)
Size: L Level: 1 Sex: M Year of birth: 2017 Location: Lincolnshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, hold an item, recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, basic obedience, good citizens, therapy dog, treibball, bow, relax, speak, spin, walk back, jump through hoop, go through tunnel, go round object, march on spot (next to owner) |
220 Maude (Bouvier des Flandres)
Size: L Level: 1 Sex: F Year of birth: 2019 Location: Wiltshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, hold an item, recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, agility, flyball, crawl (with owner close), paws up, relax, spin, walk back, chin down, go round object, go between owners legs |
223 Frank (Large crossbreed)
Size: Large Sex: M Year of birth: 2017 Location: Bedfordshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, recall, give paw, agility, good citizens (bronze), crawl to lure, spin to lure. Frank is a registered Pets as Therapy dog and goes to school to hear readers as part of the Read2Dogs scheme. |
227 Polo (Large crossbreed)
Size: L Level: 1 Sex: M Year of birth: 2017 Location: Cambridgeshire Behaviours: sit, down, stand, stay, leave, go to a mark, hold an item (brief), recall, touch with nose, touch with paw, agility, bow, crawl to lure, leg weave, paws up, skateboard, chin to hand, play dead (legs in the air), feet on feet, relax, roll over, spin, static jump, walk back, wave, reverse around owner, spin on step, shy (paw on nose) |
228 Tazmania (Australian Shepherd)
Size: Medium Level: 1 Sex: Male Year of birth: 2011 Location: Wiltshire Behaviours: Sit, down, stand, stay, hold an item, recall, touch with paw, go to a mark, leave food, beg, paw on nose, bow, walk back, spin, cross paws, leg weave, Heelwork to Music, reverse circling around a person or an object, cross paws in sit, stand, down and beg position, rollover, dead (on his back with legs in the air), paws up, stand on back legs. |
We have moved - for an up to date list of our available dogs, please visit
If you own one of the dogs above and would like to update your details, please click here